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Why is beef jerky so expensive?

Beef jerky is expensive relative to other savoury and processed snacks. However, in the world of healthy proteins, it’s not so expensive.

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In the world of savoury snacks, beef jerky holds a unique position. Best known for its portability, protein, and delicious flavour, it's a go-to choice for on-the-go snacking. However, one aspect that often raises eyebrows is its price tag. Why does this beefy snack come with such a hefty price? Let's explore the factors driving the cost of beef jerky.


Key takeaways:

  1. Beef jerky's high price is primarily due to its main ingredient: beef, which is significantly more expensive (but packed with significantly more protein) than other snack ingredients.

  2. Raw beef loses up to 70% of its water weight during the dehydration process, which means less beef jerky, but more a more concentrated protein-packed snack.

  3. Crafting beef jerky is labor-intensive, driving up its price, with each step adding to the production cost.


1. Beef: The Backbone of Beef Jerky

Beef is expensive, and the main ingredient in beef jerky is - you guessed it - beef. Done. Thanks for your time. Okay, let's take a step back.

The primary reason behind beef jerky's high price tag lies in its ingredients. Unlike many other snacks that rely on inexpensive components, beef jerky requires beef, which is not cheap. While other snacks may use potatoes, flour, sugar, nuts, etc. as their primary ingredients, beef is significantly more expensive. Although significantly more expensive, beef also has significantly more protein compared to other ingredients.  

Better Bovine uses 100% grass-fed beef raised on pastures, following ethical and sustainable farming practices. While this results in higher-quality and more nutritious beef, it also contributes to the overall cost of beef jerky.

2. Shrink: Cooking the Beef Jerky

An often overlooked aspect of beef jerky production is the dehydration process. Raw beef contains a high percentage of water, typically between 50% to 80%. During dehydration, beef loses a significant amount of water weight, shrinking by upwards of 70%. This means that starting with 100g of beef yields only about 50g of beef jerky. Although the protein content remains the same, the removal of water helps preserve the beef, resulting in a concentrated protein-packed snack. In other words, a pack of 30g of protein is the same as eating a 100g steak!

Our wagyu beef jerky has 26g of protein per pack and our extra lean beef jerky has 30g of protein per pack. There's no shortage of protein there!

3. Preparation: Labor-Intensive Craftsmanship

Crafting beef jerky involves a labor-intensive process that requires time, skill, and precision. Each step, from slicing the beef to cooking and packaging the finished product, adds to the production cost. Unlike mass-produced snacks, beef jerky is crafted in smaller batches with attention to detail, driving up its price.

Extra: Quality vs. Cheap Beef Jerky

While beef jerky in general tends to be more expensive than other snacks, there's also a notable difference between premium and low-quality options within the beef jerky world itself. High-quality beef jerky, such as Better Bovine, uses superior ingredients, such as 100% grass-fed beef and minimal ingredients, resulting in a more nutritious and flavourful snack. In contrast, cheaper alternatives typically contain additives, preservatives, and lower-quality meat, compromising taste, nutrition, ethics, sustainability, and humaneness.

In Conclusion

The higher price of beef jerky reflects its commitment to quality ingredients, meticulous preparation, and superior taste. Investing in high-quality beef jerky ensures a satisfying and nutritious snacking experience. At Better Bovine, we prioritize quality, sustainability, and taste in every batch of our beef jerky, offering a premium product that's worth every penny. If you're seeking a delicious and wholesome snack that you can feel good about, give us a try.

Finally, a high quality and clean beef jerky. 

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